
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Globalization & International Marketing Ethics Problems : Perspective Bangladesh

                            Author : Rumana Reza  

Special Thanks : Adnan Riaz , MBA, Riphah International University,Pakistan.


During Prophet (Sm), usury was controlled by the Jew. Still we see their influence on US President Election .This is because, now they control the global economy. Besides, we can also remember the strategy of British Raj. They took possession of this sub-continent through capturing its economic system. They did this by involving ‘East-India Company’ here. On the other hand, we know about the contribution of Tata, Birla groups on Mahatma Gandhi’s movement. Few years ago, we’ve seen that when Sonia Gandhi was seemed as upcoming Prime minister of India then most of the businessmen tried to protest it. As a result, Indian exchange market fell down. If we take a look on Bangladesh, we’ll find that there’s also a strong relation between politics and economics. So, in national or international arena-whatever we say, business magnates, MNCs, IOs play the most important role where international marketing known as a vital determinants to measure the effectiveness of their activities. Globalization and international marketing ethics problems are closely related to each other. Globalization introduces international marketing as a unique system where a product being created for whole world. Therefore, to produce a common product, there arise some ethical problems.

Ethical Problems in International Marketing

The moral question of what is right or appropriate poses many dilemmas for domestic marketers. Even within a country, ethical standards are frequently not defined or always clear. The problem of business ethics is infinitely more complex in international marketplace, because value judgments differ widely among culturally diverse groups. That which is commonly accepted as right on one country may be completely unacceptable in another. Giving business gifts of high value, for example, is generally condemned in the United States, but in many countries of the world also in Bangladesh gifts are not only accepted but also expected. Upon examination of existing ethical frameworks in the field of international marketing from a macro marketing perspective, it is argued that marketers cannot always rely on universally accepted ethical norms, such as hyper norms or core values that have been suggested by a deluge of marketing literature. Some basic moral values could be used in evaluating international marketing ethical issues. Violations of basic moral values in international marketing settings should be accepted as ethical problems.

Problem discussion

Ethical problems faced by globalization in international marketing are as follows:

Unethical steps by companies / Industries

In Bangladesh, companies & industries often adopt illegal or unethical steps.  For example, we can flash back on the Phulbari & Barapukuria case. The devastating environmental impacts and human toll caused by mining in Barapukuria strongly support concerns that was raised by Global Coal Management’s aggressive efforts to establish an open pit coal mine in the neighboring township of Phulbari . Similarly, recurring accidents resulting from technical failures at the Barapukuria mine raised serious concerns about worker safety. Like those cases, ship building industry creates hazard to manpower because investors don’t provide necessary gadgets to the workers.Most of the time it’s observed that industrialists  don’t care about their employees properly. Human rights are often violated there. That’s why on 12th December, 2010, we observed that the Garment workers demanded the implementation of a new minimum wage. Due to this, a clash occurred with police at Chittagong Export Procession Zone (CEPZ).

BATC (British American Tobacco Company) campaigns for greenery but at the same time it produces tobacco which is hazardous to our people and soil. Foreign buyers want to buy good quality product .Cloth needs dying which needs chemicals to dye but this chemical sometimes are not good for health. So it needs treatment plant which costs a lot. Therefore, manufacturers don’t want to treat the chemical. And it’s not ethical but the manufacturers do it to compete with their competitors. Sometimes industries are tempering or using gas from Petrobangla Company illegally. As a result Petrobangla as well as buyer becoming loser but the employees are making money. Finally bankruptcy occurs.                   

Impacts of International Policy

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays as a key factor in Bangladesh’s national policy making. It’s up to them  if an institution would run or not, railway would be added on Jamuna Bridge or not, how many workers should be involved with government or non-governmental organizations etc. After the cyclone of 1991, Govt. of Bangladesh decided to build a coastal dam which was too expensive. Therefore, the Govt. collected a large amount of money as grant from Saudi Arabia & also got 25million US$ as loan from World Bank, EEC & IDA. Those International Organizations gave that loan against huge conditions. It had large amount of interest as condition which was so tough to pay for that country.  Planning, designing of the project, consultants, conductor –all were controlled by the World Bank. Moreover, they didn’t maintain the mechanical compaction of soil properly; instead of mud, they used sands; stones were too tiny.4 which was totally unethical in international marketing. On the other hand, as a part of the globalization, MNCs in developing countries like Bangladesh have often discontinued local engineering activities in order to adapt and improve product, process and technologies provided by their parent companies.

Political  instability

Political culture of Bangladesh still being criticized. Though it’s a democratic country after achieving the power, most of the political leaders practice unethical favors for their own party. Some of them also involve with corruption that destroy the country image. On the other hand, they often try to protest opposition groups. Therefore, problems arise. It collapse national economy. Most of the sectors like share market, price of  raw materials, international trade, tourism industry etc. are being affected due to strike, hartal, violence. That’s why tourists from foreign countries are being advised to “exercise a high degree of caution in Bangladesh due to the unpredictable security and political situation.”5  Besides this, the ‘Market Syndicate’ often control the total market system as a political weapon. Therefore, price inflation is occurred and the consumers have to be sufferer.

Politicians are also the part of international marketing. So, this type of activities means that they are not concern about their duties and hence we can say that they also practice unethical way.

Weakness of National Policy

Though developing countries like Bangladesh have lots of limitations and international pressure , the weakness of the national  policy can’t be ignored .We can remember the accident that took place on June 14, 1997 when Occidental was drilling the well at Magurchhara. That disaster caused gas reserve of about 245 billion cubic feet burnt in the explosion while the environment, ecology and wildlife of the area were also severely affected, as per the report of a probe committee. They said damage caused by the explosion in monetary term is estimated at about tk 9000 crore. But the Govt. of Bangladesh didn’t take any fruitful step against that company.  In 2010, Bangladesh involved with Aggreko company to open a power plant. The project cost is about US$300 million. It’s true that people of Bangladesh are suffering  from power shortage but  the policy makers also  have to  think about cost and its demerits because it’s  not possible for the  Govt. to manage the money from own fund. So,again the Govt. may have to seek help from donors like World Bank, IMF. And here, we already discussed what were  the consequences of previous big projects.

Market is strongly affected by national policy like the rising of price of fuel make every product costly because it affects the price of more fuel consuming product as like as iron rod, fertilizer etc. Argument has occurred between the customers and BERC to finalize the price of the product.

Discrimination of International Marketing System:

Bangladesh has to face some discrimination in international arena due to present international marketing system. For example, countries like US, India get entrance easily in Bangladeshi market whether Bangladesh doesn’t get the same facilities to enter their markets. Besides this, we also see the discriminative role of World Bank on agricultural sector. This organization supports agricultural subsidy in India but at the same time, it pressurizes on Bangladesh Govt. to stop introducing that system though it’s profitable for the country.Discrimination also has been seen in the patent system. As an example, we can say about the medicine of margose. Though the raw material is collected from Bangladesh but needs patent from UK to distribute it in the market. Such types of discrimination create questions on international marketing ethics.  

Challenges for local industries

Due to open market system, now Bangladesh is full of foreign products. Therefore, the existence of its local industries is being threatened. Industries like Adamji Jute Mill, Khulna Paper Mill etc. are already closed. It’s hard for them to compete against foreign companies. Moreover, unproductive sectors like shopping malls, super shops etc. are increasing tremendously. As a result, it has negative impacts on the country’s labor market.

Cross-cultural advertising

Cross-Cultural advertisement affects on international marketing. For example, increase of direct marketing and use of the online shopping to children raises ethical issues because images are culturally sensitive. Sometimes a few unscrupulous marketers design sites where children are able to bypass adult supervision; sometimes they present objectionable materials to underage consumers. In addition to, it is acceptable to see pictures of women wearing short dresses on outdoor ads in London, but such images would cause offense in Bangladesh.

Religion Factor

Though religion is not seemed as so important factor inside the country but it becomes a most important factor outside the country. After the 9/11, People, especially the businessman have to face hard situation as belonging the Muslim identity which is unethical practice in international marketing.

In today’s international market and globalize economy has an eye on foreign market whether their projects are big or small. Sometimes customers are negatively affected but not always. They are providing all required products timely near at hand of the customers, making life easy and convenient. For example, we can claim GP would charge too much for their services. But can we ignore their contribution in the communication sector of Bangladesh? When by paying 25 taka/minute, we couldn’t call from Chittagong to Rajshahi (when needed); they paid far better service in 6.90 taka/minute. So, have to count their contributions as well. I think, most of the cases the environment is fine. If we consider the reality from the point of environmentalists or consumer rights organizations, it will be unfair. Simply market mechanism will decide which will exist or not. If something exists after years in the market (it means) customers give value of their existence. Besides, international marketing is not an individual entity, international politics is also involved with it. So, the poor countries like
Bangladesh cannot remove the obstacles, rather building relationships and negotiations can bring better results. Some sectors are quite different like coal, gas or petroleum traders, they are beyond our touch.....
otherwise its running fine! So, my conclusion on the findings is that though sometimes people including both producers and consumer are being victimized due to globalization and international marketing ethical problems,  a balance market mechanism with corporate social responsibility keeping in mind may help to create a better and smooth environment for international marketing.

Source:*গন্তব্য অজানা by Jasim Chowdhury Sabuj,First Edition:February    2009,published by Balaka, Bangladesh, page:13-14 

Copyright © 2014 by Rumana Reza

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